
Prior Teaching Experience

PolSci 111: Introduction to American Politics – Graduate Student Instructor

Led three discussion sections in American Politics focused on the central processes and institutions of the American system. Designed active learning exercises, graded papers, and assisted with exam content development and evaluation for 54 total undergraduates.

PolSci 140: Introduction to Comparative Politics – Graduate Student Instructor

Led three discussion sections in Comparative Politics focused on the development of the modern state, regime type, ethnic and social cleavages, political institutions, and the consequences of regime type and institutional design for development, political participation, and regime stability. Designed active learning exercises, developed long and short paper assignments, and assisted with exam content development and evaluation for a total of 60 undergraduates.

Short Course on Contentious Politics – Instructor (canceled due to COVID-19)

Designed a course on contentious politics for students at the Yangon School of Political Science, a school in Yangon, Myanmar founded by democracy activists as an alternative to military-run education. The course aimed to introduce students to the social scientific study of contentious politics, from everyday resistance to revolutionary movements. The course was designed for student activists interested in developing an analytic lens toward their work and advancing the literature through their experiential knowledge.

Dataset Creation Workshop – Instructor

Designed a workshop on dataset creation and management for civil society organizations in Yangon, Myanmar interested in harnessing their data for policy advocacy. The workshop covered the purpose, structure, design, coding, and analytic uses of datasets on non-violent and violent political mobilization.